jueves, 10 de junio de 2021

POWERWOLF ft. Alissa White-Gluz - Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend (Videoclip) Nuevo disco

  1. Sanctified With Dynamite - feat. Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR)
  2. Demons Are A Girl‘s Best Friend - feat. Alissa White-Gluz (ARCH ENEMY)
  3. Nightside Of Siberia - feat. Johan Hegg (AMON AMARTH)
  4. Where The Wild Wolves Have Gone - feat. Doro Pesch
  5. Fist By Fist (Sacralize Or Strike) - feat. Matthew Kiichi Heafy (TRIVUM)
  6. Killers With The Cross - feat. Björn “Speed” Strid (SOILWORK)
  7.  Kiss Of The Cobra King - feat. Chris Harms (LORD OF THE LOST)
  8. We Drink Your Blood - feat. Johannes Eckerström (AVATAR)
  9. Resurrection By Erection - feat. Christopher Bowes (ALESTORM)
  10. Saturday Satan - feat. Jari Mäenpää (WINTERSUN)

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